Monday, 31 December 2012

NAKed and acTIVe - Current Naktiv Project

NAKed and acTIVe - Current Naktiv Project

This is a reminder that I'm still taking submissions for the Naktiv Naked Hiking book project. I'm particularly interested to hear from women, (I only have male writers so far, which is not unexpected, but variety is always good to encourage), and about groups of mixed tours of all kinds. Please feel free to cross-post this reminder far and wide.

The deadline is end of March 2013, more details here:

and I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Nude Year for 2013!

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

NAKed and acTIVe - Naked Activism and Standing Up For What You Believe In - "Vive la Randonnue, vive la Liberte, vive le Naturisme."

 Naked Activism is the aim of this page, as well described via the Nacktiv paradigm.  When you believe in a thing, sometimes you have to just stand up for it, and not simply submit to the simple and usually ignorant majority opinion, even when your partner may object.

NAKed and acTIVe - Naked Activism and Standing Up For What You Believe In - "Vive la Randonnue, vive la Liberte, vive le Naturisme."

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

SF_WNBR : Message: Fw: Re: [SF_WNBR] EBook -> WNBR article

SF_WNBR : Message: Fw: Re: [SF_WNBR] EBook -> WNBR article

Is Britain in danger of becoming a Police State? | Naturist Action Group | NAG

Is Britain in danger of becoming a Police State? | Naturist Action Group | NAG

We have to stand up for our rights to freedom of thought and belief and practice, with the single proviso that exercising those rights hurt no third party. We’re not talking about imaginary thought-crime, or sight-crime, either. “I feel offended” (by the sight of you) is not sufficiant warrant.


Naked female scientist tries to tame beluga whales in the arctic | Mail Online

Naked female scientist tries to tame beluga whales in the arctic | Mail Online

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Richard Foley

This report clearly suggests the appropriateness of ensuring as much public nudity, from as many people as possible, as often as possible, is the correct solution.


Sunday, 9 December 2012

std-newt-2009-2565.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 768 pixels)

std-newt-2009-2565.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 768 pixels)

Bernard, naked hiking high above the valley of Golling, Austria. 

NAKed and acTIVe - Pupplinger Au - June 2007 - Munich

NAKed and acTIVe - Pupplinger Au - June 2007 - Munich

A naked hike along the shores and woods of the Isar river, south of Munich. Including passing friendly encounters with a raft full of partying folks, and several cyclists. Full article with accompanying photos here:


Monday, 3 December 2012

Petición | Freedom to Stephen Gough: Prisoner of Conscience in a British prison |

Spanish Petición | Freedom to Stephen Gough: Prisoner of Conscience in a British prison |

Nude Jogging Ruled Legal - national |

Nude Jogging Ruled Legal - national |

The right to go jogging in the nude has been upheld by the High Court.
Andrew Lyall Pointon, 47, was wearing only a pair of shoes when he was spotted by a woman while running at 8.30am in a forest near Tauranga in August last year.
The woman, who was walking her dog, was so offended and threatened by what she had seen that she vowed not to return to the Oropi Bike Park.
She lodged a complaint with police and three days later Mr Pointon was arrested as he emerged naked from the forest after another run.
He was charged with offensive behaviour and found guilty in Tauranga District Court last December.
An appeal was thrown out in June, but a second appeal was yesterday upheld by Justice Paul Heath in the High Court at Tauranga.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Naked hiking is the next naktiv book project theme - contributions welcome!

The current naktiv book project is Naked Hiking The best way to support naked activities in society is by the promotion of the lifestyle in a graphic format, such that people can see how much innocent fun being naked is, especially while engaged in any kind of everyday activity. Linking to related sites is always a positive step, so please feel free to repost or forward this notice on to any related forums, friends or relations who might also be enthusiastic. Although we're always ready to accept material on any topic so long as it includes naked and active, the next naktiv book project theme is naked hiking. The structure will be a compilation of essays, from different people, plus photos of course. It would touch on legal issues, as well as public acceptance of naked activities, all the usual stuff, focussing on naked hiking in particular. If you would like to contribute writing material, and/or suitable imagery, the first place to start is to read the FAQ and links, below, and then send an email. To request an FTP account to submit material, (or just mail direct), send an email to: rich.inud[at] For more details about submissions, please see the following link:

Monday, 15 October 2012

Naked European Walking Tour 2013 - date change(!)

Please note: the dates for the next Naked European Walking Tour have changed to: 14 July -> 20 July 2013
(1) Naked European Walking Tour 2013

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

NAKed and acTIVe - Events

The Naktiv site has a new events interface. Add your naked activity events here:

NAKed and acTIVe - Events Interface

Friday, 5 October 2012

NAKed and acTIVe - Klausenberg with the Naked Munroists

NAKed and acTIVe - Klausenberg with the Naked Munroists

 Stuart, Karla, Polly the Collie, and I hiked naked up and down the Klausenberg hill south of Munich this summer. The weather was marginal, but the views were magnificent. You can read more about the days excursions, with photos, here:


Monday, 27 August 2012

Naktiv announce-mailing-list announcement

This is a Naktiv announce-mailing-list announcement. Naktiv is a blend of two words; naked and active. So, take the human naked into your daily life, your sports activities, etc. The idea is to be naked in any and all contexts where you are comfortable. The site has many links, but perhaps a direct link to the Naktiv manifesto is perhaps the best explanation: We now have an Announce mailing list which is purposed with informing people globally of naked events and naked activities. If you'd like to join, or would like to recommend someone else to join, you can subscribe to the list here: Cheers. Rich

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Spencer Tunich "The Ring" Naked Art Installation in Munich

Paul, from Geneva, and I drove into Munich or 02:00, although the city was quieter than during the day there was still a surprising amount of traffic about. We parked and headed into the centre of town, past the Munich Opera House, our intended destination, and on to Marienplatz. We fortuitously met Rob, from Köln, at the entrance to a burger bar, and proceeded to meet up with the others from our little entourage up at the central square. Horst Kehm, admin of the FKK-Freun.DE website and Jürg. We made our way back to the meeting place, to find a huge queue of people trailed along the street, so, being English, I queue-jumped to the front. Once inside the "compounds", we were separated into two groups, and given a small tin of body paint each. One held gold, the other red, body paint. We'd come to take part in Spencer Tunick's naked installation celebrating the start of the Munich Opera season, and focussing on Wagner's "The Ring", or, as some Germans would have it: Das Ring Ding. The swarms of people grew, until there were perhaps 1700 people, all waiting to get naked in the centre of Munich city. We also met Johannes with his 20 year-old daughter, from Berlin. And Graham, a Spielplatz member who latched on to our group.

Occassionally we were informed as to what was happening, but I could not understand the shouted instructions from the loud-hailer being used, and do not comprehend why Tunick doesn't use a modern PA system. This was the same unintelligable garble we had to put up with during the, also very cool, Stadion in Vienna event. After several hours of waiting for something to happen, and dawn beginning to creep across the lightening sky, the red group received the order to strip and paint. We all had our cameras out and were busy snapping mementoes of the entertaining and highly unusual event as 800 naked people tried to cover themselves, totally, in red body paint, just across the square from us. Christine Madden, an Irish journalist working for a local German online newspaper, who came to take part and interview people, was highly annoyed at having listened to the "no camera" rule. 

Red went first, then it was our turn, and we painted ourselves gold from the small pots of metallic paint, getting help from others for bits we couldn't reach, like our upper backs, or bits we'd missed, on our calves, or faces. The paint had a very effective metallic effect. When our turn came to exit, we walked out around the block, waving at a few solitary police cars and pedestrians, to the main square, forming a giant gold human ring around the central statue. Tunick took several photos, of us all standing and lying down on the cobbles, then the red group filled the space in our centre. It was entertaining listening to Tunick trying to organize everybody, from his raised platform, by pointing down and shouting "you, move left, no, you, NO, YOU!" Presumably he knew which person he was pointing at... The contrast of red and gold people was very effective, the human shapes and colour flowed dynamically around the statues and steps. This was Tunick's first use of colour with the naked human body in his installations, and I can imagine him using it again - the sharp colours created an intense contrast. After all the waiting, it was all over too soon, and once we'd taken a couple more photographs, we returned to the start point to get dressed, then into Marienplatz for coffee and cake. It was amusing watching the Lederhosen + Dirndl dressed locals watching us in our body paint, in particular the red-painted people were very striking, even when dressed.

You can read more about the event, and see more photos, here:


Friday, 1 June 2012

The World Naked Bike Ride book is officially published!

From the back cover: The World Naked Bike Ride is a global protest against oil dependency and urban pollution, promoting greater cycling safety on our roads, and encouraging body freedom for everyone. This book visually describes the environmental awareness event, the history of how it started, the people who take part, and the motivations behind this very public demonstration.

    Including 250 photographs and images.
    Written and compiled by Richard Foley.
    Foreword by Conrad Schmidt.

To read more about the book, check out the main WNBR book project page, which has the most up-to-date info and where you can get a copy, here:

Please feel free to post the above WNBR book URL far and wide!



ps. Please note that the online data, at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, etc., is still catching up with reality, and will slowly update over the next couple of weeks, which means they show the book as 'not-released-yet', even though the book is available right now.